Resizing hero images

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Hero images should be 16:9. Steve V. asks that hero images be sized to 1572 x 884.

All images will be available in Elvis. Right-click an image to save it onto your computer.

Resizing images using Pixelmator


Posting the image in a recipe or article in Drupal

Open the edit page for the story or recipe in question.

Beneath the story body (or recipe method) you'll find a section called "Main Image".


If there's already an image in this spot, you'll see a thumbnail; to replace the image, click the remove button and upload a new file. (Note that this will also clear the Alternate text and Title fields.)

Anything put into the field marked "Alternate text" will be styled as a photo credit.

Anything put into the field marked "Title" will be styled as a caption.

Be sure to save your changes at the bottom of the page before moving on.