Quick intro: adding an article

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  1. Open Content Station. You'll see your Home screen. Find the dossier for your story (the Search tool and Planning are available in applications). If the dossier doesn't exist yet, double-click the template in your applications to create one.
  2. Open Elvis. Go through the process to upload images, being sure to first name them appropriately (for example, H1601_gu_smith or M1602_firstcut_editor) and fill out all the metadata.
  3. Back in the dossier in Content Station, double-click the appropriate article template.
  4. The Multi-Channel Text Editor will open. Type or paste your story into the appropriate components—remember, if copy is coming from Word, it must go through TextWrangler first. Use Paragraph styles and character styles as appropriate—especially for bolding and italicizing copy.
  5. Check in the article. If you are working on a story with a sidebar or a high-mix section, repeat the process until you have the right number of stories in the dossier with names that match the conventions described on the page linked in this step. Upon check-in, the system will prompt you for a name and other properties.
  6. When you're ready to send the story to your editor, route all the articles in the dossier to him or her using properties.
  7. Log out of Content Station when you are done.
  8. Remember to format using the naming convention, otherwise the system will not know what to do with the files: files need to have an issue code in the name, and a properly formatted file name replaces spaces with underscores as in this example: 008_Carnetec2018_Alpha_r3
